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How To Keep Kids Lunches Fun And Wholesome

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Snack Pack. All opinions are 100% mine.Snackpack

The kids are back in school and we’re all looking for ways to pack them a wholesome, nutritious lunch that will satisfy their usually voracious appetites.  Of course it would be ideal if those lunches were all organic, free range, grass fed and other buzzword approved, all while made from scratch by your own loving hands, but there’s something most of the advocates of that particular methodology don’t stop to consider.

We call it life.

It’s split-shifts (the bane of my existence right now), after school practice, family issues, hectic work schedules and a million other problems and pressures that make the 100% homemade idea a tad impractical for most of us, to say the least. I’d even go as far as to say that unless you’re a stay at home parent or are capable of living on less than an hour of sleep per night, it’s probably impossible. But that doesn’t mean we can’t put a healthy, wholesome and nutritious lunch in our little ones’ bags.

Snack Packs are Awesome

A little planning goes a long way.

Choose foods you can prepare quickly and have ready in minutes. Knowing what your young ones will and won’t eat is the second half of the battle. My youngest would be thrilled with Japanese rice balls and a packet of soy sauce. My oldest would probably go hungry if I packed that for him, but he’ll inhale a ham and cheese sandwich or a few slices of leftover pizza.

Keep it healthy, but keep it fun, too.

Excited. #ad #SnackPack

A video posted by Jerry Russell (@unclejerryskitchen) on

No school kid wants a lunch that doesn’t have something fun to eat in it. To be more direct, they want something sweet in that lunch box to finish off the meal. Drop a delicious dessert item or two in there and you’ll be sure to see smiles on tiny faces.

There are very few things more fun to a young kid than pudding, which makes it an obvious choice for school lunches. That’s where Snack Pack pudding comes in.You don’t have to worry about high-fructose corn syrup or preservatives, so there’s no guilt involved. They come in a variety of flavors, so one or two are sure to please everyone in your family.And to top it off, most are made with real nonfat milk and pack as much calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk.

And did I mention that they have a new easy-open lid, so the kiddos don’t have to fight with the package? I didn’t? Well, they do.

Win for the lunch-making mom or dad!

Easy open lids make snack packs awesome

In the end, you know your kids best, but I think it’s always good to indulge the sweeter side of life a little, and I prefer to do it with products I have no reservations about.Snack Pack pudding cups let me do that for lunch at school or as an afternoon snack while keeping our son happy and allowing us to worry about other things…

Like what the teenager is doing when we aren’t looking.

But that’s another post altogether.

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