It’s day one of NaNoWriMo and the whole family is in on it. Needless to say it’s crazy. so for day one, I decided to merge halloween candy and convenience cookies for the first entry in WillWriteForCookies. For this entry I present to you (drumroll) Kit Kat Sugar Cookies.
I would have preferred something more original but not only was today the first day I’ve written fiction in over 7 years, but it was an early release day for my youngest son. I barely had time to finish the prologue to the story I’m writing, let alone get crazy-creative in the kitchen.
The premise here is simple. Take store bought ready made sugar cookies and jazz ’em up a bit. in this case it’s with Halloween Kit-Kat® candies. Just chop up the candy and press some of the pieces into the ready to bake cookies, like so:
Bake according to the package directions and viola! You’ve got something your kids will go nuts for in just a few minutes with little effort and even less work. Good. Simple. Delicious.
Yeah. That covers these Kit-Kat sugar cookies to a tee.
What I could have done differently:
A lot, really. You could use any candy you like in place of the Kit-Kat’s. Chocolate bars would be great, as would Crunch bars, Butterfingers, or just about any other candy that sounds good to you. These are a definite time saver, and the kids will be happy to help with them.
What are your thoughts on our Kit-Kat Sugar Cookies?
Is this something you’d consider making for your family, or are you of the “I make all my recipes from scratch” crowd. If so, have you done something like this using refrigerated cookie dough? We’d love to hear your opinions, so let us know, either in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter