Stuffing. It’s the quintessential holiday side dish. The question is, short of making a casserole or heaping the remainder onto a sandwich, what do you do with all that leftover dressing after Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? I may just have the answer for...
Are you getting tired of turkey yet? Do you need a new way to spice up that grand bird that graced your holiday table? Are you just sick-to-death of trying to find ways to get the last little bit out of your holiday feast? If so, our leftover turkey tacos are...
I know I made a big stink in my cottage pie post about the fact that a pie like this cannot be called a shepherd’s pie unless it is made from minced lamb. Honestly though, I figure if a bunch of shepherd’s could get their hands on a wild turkey or other...
Let me start by saying that this is not so much a recipe as it is a Thanksgiving state of mind. An embodiment of all that was great about Thanksgiving dinner all in one bite. A final embrace of feasting and gluttony for the day after turkey day. This is the Pilgrim...
I Promise that this will be the last of my leftover turkey recipes for this year. By now we’re both most likely getting tired of turkey. (Personally, I’ll be buying another while they’re still on sale, but it will be getting cut down into component...