Sometimes I feel like I’m walking in the shadows of giants. They’re very nice giants, but giants nonetheless.
When I started this little food blog I wasn’t really aware of the sheer number of other food bloggers out there. That realization came later. For the week I spent setting up and getting my first recipe posted, I was really only aware of about 5 other food blogs. From there of course the staggering facts set in that not only was I not operating in a vacuum, but that the other folks doing the same were far beyond me in talent. It was a bit humbling, really.
I haven’t lost my awe of these food blogging greats. I’m still humbled when I’m visited by such powerhouses as Elise Bauer from Simply Recipes (The first cooking blog I was exposed to), Lisa, the Homesick Texan (who never fails to make me think in the process of reading her entries) or the Good Dr. Biggles of MeatHenge (The first food blog that made me think I might not be out of my league. If the Doc could have that much fun working with meat, then I should just keep having fun myself! Haven’t heard of MeatHenge??? Perhaps you’ve heard of the Well Fed Network? Seems the Good Dr.’s name appears on their roster as well.). There’s Jasmine from Confessions of a Cardamom Addict, who gave me kind words as I was starting up, never alluding to the fact that she’s one of the most popular food bloggers on the ‘Net, Lis, of La Mia Cucina, who never fails to inspire, and many more I simply don’t have time to mention here.
These people are giants in the food blogging world. They are also some of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of dealing with. I find that all food bloggers are fortunate enough to be a part of a community that supports and encourages itself, without a class structure or a pecking order. We’re in it for the food. We’re all one family.
And I’m proud to be a part of it.
I’m not minimizing the other wonderful people I’ve met along the way either. To all of you, new friends and old, let’s keep up the good work and keep helping to make this little rock we live on a better place to nosh with our families and friends, one recipe at a time…
I agree — all of the blogs you mention are on my list of favorite reads, and the bloggers wise and generous to those of us who followed behind.
Awwwww Jerry, what a sweet thing to say! I’m always thrilled and delighted when you a pay a visit to my site as well!
I have to say I’ve found the same amongst the food bloggers. Especially locally where we can actually meet to break bread from time to time. Is there any other group on the net that’re so nice to each other?
That’s a really awesome post :) i only know few of the blogs you’ve mentioned. but I do want to check out the rest of the blogs. Thanks a lot for the information. Cheers