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An Early Homecoming – Mommy is coming HOME!

Well folks, this week is starting out on an incredibly high note.  I just got word that my wife has pushed her mid-tour visit up and will be home by the weekend!

I can’t tell you all how much this means to both myself and for my kids.  Life as a military family can be stressful, and those stresses exist here as well as in any other household separated by time, distance and duty.  The last 9 months have been difficult to say the least.

But we get her back for three weeks!

Expect a lot of gushing from me on twitter and Facebook, and most likely a slew of posts and pics here that have to do as much with food as they do with just her in general…  There may even end up being a few pictures of me thrown in for good measure, since there will be someone else around with a camera for a bit.

My wife is coming home.  At least for a little while.  Color me ecstatic.

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